Irish Squash to Sponsor 3rd Level Female Student on Women’s Student Coaching Academy

The Women’s Student Coaching Academy is a collaborative programme between Sport Ireland, Student Sport Ireland, 27 Third Level Institution Campuses and 17 National Sporting Bodies. The programme provides one year of support to female students who wish to develop to be a top coach in their sport. The aim of the programme is to provide a support system around the female student coach enabling them to develop and reach their coaching potential. Furthermore, the programmes aims to increase the number and visibility, of female coaches in third level institutions and create female role models to inspire other female students to progress into coaching.

The WSCA is for female students who have an ambition to progress or excel as a coach in their respective sport.

Irish Squash is sponsoring one female 3rd level student for the upcoming edition of the academy. For those interested, please complete the following application form (see below) and
return to your respective sports department (list of contacts for each third level institution is on the last page of the form).

Womens Student Coaching Academy – Application Form