A new €6 million capital fund is available through county councils throughout the Republic of Ireland. The funding will provide capital support for small groups and organisations, such as affiliated squash clubs. There is a particular focus on small capital works, improvements, and the purchase of equipment for community use, making it an ideal means for squash clubs within the Republic of Ireland to upgrade their courts and auxiliary facilities, such as changing areas, showers, toilets, heating, or energy upgrades.
The closing date for applications, as well as the maximum amount available, differs within each county council. If your club wishes to avail of funding to enhance facilities or purchase equipment, I would encourage you to search for more details via your local council without delay. In some instances, the closing date is as early as late January, and funding of up to €10,000 is available. Applications for lesser amounts are likely to have a strong chance of success.
30% of the fund is ring-fenced for women’s groups and initiatives.
Who is eligible to apply?
Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply, including squash clubs affiliated with Irish Squash. Please pay your €120 club affiliation fee if it is still outstanding.
What costs are eligible for funding?
The following provides a non-exhaustive list of projects that could receive capital funding under the program:
Additional information
Matched funding is not a requirement. If your club is successful with a grant application, Irish Squash can provide written evidence of a valid insurance policy, provided your club has completed affiliation.
For more information, please contact your local county council, local sports partnership, or Irish Squash at [email protected]. A selection of schemes currently open for applications can be found below. The fund is available through all local councils throughout the Republic of Ireland.