Belfast’s Shriya Drawid as a Mary Peters Trust athlete

Belfast Boat Club squash player Shriya Drawid took up the sport when she was eight and it was her older brother Rohan who first inspired her, and has gone on to become a recipient of the Mary Peters Trust athlete awards. 

“Along with mum and dad, I was always around squash and squash players, watching Rohan compete and experiencing the vibe. I just loved it and wanted to be part of that world,” Shriya relates. 

“I joined the junior section of Belfast Boat Club, then took private lessons and trained very hard. By age 10 I was playing in U13 as well as U11 tournaments and at that stage I realised I was good at squash. It gave me the impetus to really push forward.” 

The Methodist College, Belfast student has finished Year 1 of her GCSE studies and became a Mary Peters Trust athlete in Spring 2022. Shriya has met Lady Mary on several occasions, including at the Trust’s Athletes Academies held each year and bringing together young sports people from across Northern Ireland to officially celebrate their funding awards.  

Massive thank you to Local Sport Women for running Shriya’s story – Full story here